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Empowering Solar Innovation Together:Swatten Joins Forces with BSW


We are thrilled to announce that Swatten has officially become a member of BSW (Bundesverband Solarwirtschaft e.V.)! BSW is the member-based association of 1,000 solar and storage companies in Germany, headquartered in Berlin. The association works to improve regulatory frameworks and market conditions in Germany and promising markets worldwide.


This collaboration signifies Swatten's commitment to the solar and storage sector, where we will leverage our expertise and innovation in residential energy storage. The partnership with BSW will provide us with unique opportunities to gain insights and contribute to shaping the future of the solar market in Germany and beyond.


Through collaboration with BSW, we will better drive the development of residential energy storage technology and contribute to the sustainable growth of the renewable energy industry. We look forward to working closely with BSW and its member companies, sharing experiences, and fostering innovation and development in the industry.


Thank you for your support and attention! Let's embrace a greener, more sustainable future together!